Friday, 30 December 2011


Watch this:

I wish that I could leave this video as it is, with no explanation needed. However, this IS an assignment, so here goes everything I've got. 

     The first time I watched this video, it was at a youth retreat in November. The weekend we spent up north was incredible, and a lot of time and effort was put in to making the weekend a great experience for everyone. Of all that went on that weekend, the three minutes and thirty-three seconds I spent watching this video were probably some of the best minutes.  It's such a simple message, and I think that's the reason it caught the attention of so many. 

     The phrase "going deeper" is used often in church circles, whether that means reading your bible more, praying more, or just being a "better Christian". But, I think everyone gets too caught up in checking tasks off their "Christian List", or exhausting their brain trying to find the "hidden meaning", that we miss the simple message that's always been there. 


     I'm reading (another) book called "The Misunderstood God" by Darrin Hufford, and in it, he mentions the ever famous (or infamous) 1 Corinthians 13. You know, "love is patient, love is kind". That one. We've all heard it. He suggests replacing the word "love" with "God", because if God is love, they're interchangeable. Take a look, it's pretty awesome:

God is patient, God is kind. He does not envy, He does not boast. He is not proud. He does not dishonour others. He is not self-seeking. He is not easily angered, He keeps no record of wrongs. God does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. He always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.  

Cool Eh? If we want to live like God, and long to be more like him, read the passage above a few more times. That's a pretty good place to start. There is no secret code, or special manual to follow. Being a christian isn't about  good deeds, or church attendance. It's about a raw, radical love that I'm still trying to comprehend. But hey, you've got to start somewhere, right? 

    Just as the video above mentions, we never know how our actions are going to affect other people. Every person has the opportunity to be unbelievably influential just by simply living. If you've never thought of that before, take a second to understand what that means. Your life can, and probably has influenced so many other people's lives and decisions just by simply being you.  So give 'er a try. Live a little. Love a lot. Be a stranger.  


Thursday, 15 December 2011

In My Father's Eyes

       I didn't want this to become book review central, but when thinking of what to write about, it just so happened that my ideas grew from a book I've recently begun to read. The small group that I'm a part of decided to study the book "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan.  

       This book is all about challenging ourselves to live radically for God. However, it wasn't the challenge itself that caught my attention and provoked my thoughts. It was simply the first chapter that explores the wonder of God's creation. In it, Chan describes the incredible galaxies, intricate deigns of nature, and all the other amazing things that we don't even think twice about.

       This simple reflection on God's amazing talent - if you can call it that- made me wonder what sorts of labels He would take on here on earth. 

       The beautiful sunset, and scenery more than qualifies him as an artist. Nature itself creates such beautiful music that he would be, no doubt, a musician. Scientist, writer, gardener, teacher, doctor -  the list could go on forever. If God created everything, He could be anything, if He were to walk among us. 

       I'm a chronic doubter, about pretty much everything in life. I wouldn't say that I sell myself short of things, but I'm a doubter no less. Everyone doubts themselves at one time or another. Whether about their place in life, their talents, or their purpose, we all do it. When reading this chapter, and taking a moment to soak in the glory of God, I realized something that shattered my fears like glass on pavement. 

       I take after my Father. I may not be perfect at it, but I can write, like He did. I may not be the best-of-the-best, but I can create music, like He does. I may never achieve perfection, but I'm learning from the master Himself. 

       You see, there's a reason God created the world to be so diverse, and then placed millions of people on it.  Everyone has a talent, gift, and passion inside of them, that was placed there at the beginning of time. Every being on the earth possesses qualities that directly reflect those of their heavenly Father.  

       I don't know about you, but this was a sweet realization. The God of the universe "gets" me. He understands me. Inside and out. In every area of my life, He knows what's going on, because He created me, and every gift I've been given. Nothing can surprise Him, or catch Him off guard, because He's already been there, and done that. 

       God could not be a more proud parent, seeing His children pursue the talents that have been reflected from Him. I'm  just beginning my careers as a writer, teacher, counsellor, and probably a handful of other's that have yet to be discovered. And in His eyes, I'm doing just fine.  

       So the next time you find yourself doubting, or wondering what's coming next, why not talk to the Master? The best-of-the-best. The Creator. I can guarantee He has some great ideas. 

       Luke 11:9,10 "So I say to you; Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." 

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Live Like Joshua

"Joshua stood before all the people of Israel and said to the Lord:
  "Sun, stand still over Gibeon.
       Moon, stand still over the Valley of Aijalon."
  So the sun stood still,
       and the moon stopped
       until the people defeated their enemies.   
The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and waited to go down for a full day." Joshua 10:12-14

 When I read this passage for the first time, it was in a book called "Sun Stand Still" by Steven Furtick. The book focuses on living audaciously, and challenges us to step outside our comfort zones and ask God to do the impossible. The book is fantastic, and I would recommend it to anyone and everyone, but there's an even greater message the lies in that single passage above, than could be described in any two-hundred page novel.

       Take a moment and transport yourself back in time, to the setting of this scene. Five armies are against your own, and a full victory is seeming more and more out of reach. As the evening approached, the leader, Joshua knew that when the night fell, their victory over the promised land would come to a close. This is where audacious faith kicks in. Joshua took this opportunity, infront of all his people, to muster up all the courage he had left and deliver one of the most amazing, unorthodox prayers in the entire bible. He asked God to make the sun stand still in the sky! To freeze time on behalf of the people that he lead into battle!

       To many, it seems utterly impossible. To me, however, it is absolutely incredible. I give Joshua two thumbs up and a huge round of applause for his courage. But this passage does make me wonder, like most things normally do - what happened to audacious faith?

       When I first read this story, the skeptic in me picked it apart, and began whispering things like "that could never happen now", and "Joshua was special. There's no way something like that could happen to you". But as my eyes scanned the page, I came across something that captured my attention. Just four verses before the climax, we are let in on the secret of Joshua's confidence:

The Lord said to Joshua, "Don't be afraid of those armies, because I will hand them over to you. None of them will be able to stand against you."

       Joshua had a secret weapon, that took everyone by surprise. And the greatest part about it is that that secret weapon is still alive today, casting out our fears and ensuring that no army will be able to stand against us. God is just waiting for us to act audacioulsy. He is God of the universe, and there is NOTHING He can't do. So why restrict ourselves to bedtime prayers and Sunday mornings? 

       What would it look like, in our society, to see the Joshua's emerge in all of us? What would happen if we decided - as an individual, a family, a church, a nation - to activate our audacious faith, challenge God to do the impossible, and pray our own "Sun Stand Still" prayers?

      I know, without a doubt, that it would be incredible. We would find ourselves caught in the middle of a movement. We would initiate change and begin to stir up the hearts of everyone around us. 

       Expect the impossible. Believe in the miracle. Live like Joshua.

 " The world is waiting for change. God's people are the change the world is waiting for."


Thursday, 1 December 2011

What Teens Really Want For Christmas

       "Its the most wonderful time of the year!" Starting back in November, stores have been fighting for our attention with their flashy displays, and over played commercials. Parents across the nation are pacing the floors, scratching their heads, and trying to tackle the annual dilemma: What do I get my kid for Christmas?

       All the flyer flipping and window shopping may not be getting you as close to the perfect gift as you thought. What do teens really want
or needfor Christmas? We might have more to say about it than you might think.

Dear Parents,
       Year after year, electronics always seem to steal the number one spot on our Christmas lists. This year, products like the new Iphone 4S and Ipad are what we
re circling in the magazines, just hoping youll notice. These are great gift ideas, and would no doubt leave us smiling ear-to-ear on December 25th, but there are ways we can be gift-giving all year round.

       No, we
re not talking about Christmas in July, or having a holiday every weekend. There are ways that parents can give gifts to their children that last a lot longer than a new phone or computer.

       We are a chosen generation. A calling and direction has been placed on each one of our lives that surpasses all expectations
even our own. We have influence, passion and dreams that are still being discovered. We crave attention, but we are not always selfish. We need to be motivated, guided, and encouraged. We need to feel nurtured, accepted, and loved. As much as we are portrayed as stubborn and independent, we know we cant do it all on our own. Being given the opportunity to grow in our faith and the reassurance that we are never in it alone, could be one of the best gifts youll ever give. Even as we grow older, we watch you everyday. You are our example. You teach us how to live and love, and we never stop learning from you. We like to talk and we love to hear your stories, even if sometimes it doesnt seem that way.

       For us, trust is basically a two-way street, but we need you to hit the gas pedal first. Once you do, though, don
t be surprised if we creep above the speed limit. Trust and encouragement are gifts that fuel our fires, and jump start our confidence, we just need a little time to warm up.

       The world is rapidly changing. Every time you turn around, something else has been changed, updated, or replaced. Growing up in the middle of this, us teenagers are pretty used to it, and are able to catch up quickly. But, that doesn
t mean consistency isnt something we crave. Just the knowledge that you are there for us through the good, the bad, and the ugly, is an amazing gift unto itself.

       So, what do we want for Christmas? Take a moment and set the lists and flyers aside. 

Believe in us.
Trust us.
Love us.

       These are gifts that keep on giving. Theyll last a lifetime and are guaranteed to make this Christmas one that we'll never forget.